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February Favorites + A New Video

It's Friday...and it's a day for favorites. Friday favorites is back, baby! Temporarily. This was sort of a coincidental Friday favorites post because the end of the month coincided with a Friday. It's divine intervention, y'all. Friday favorites posts felt left out and wanted a comeback!

It's true, there are no more weekly favorites posts, but hey, who doesn't love a good monthly favorites video? Since they're some of my favorite videos to watch, I figured why not start filming them? So, alas, if you miss my favorites by any chance, check out my channel at the end of each month and you'll get an insanely rambly, most likely twenty-minute long video, about all of my favorites things from the month. Who knows what will be on those lists! This month is beauty, fashion, and entertainment based, but the possibilities for my favorites are endless.

Enjoy the new video! Anddddd if you haven't subscribed yet and you feel so inclined to do so, we all know where that little red button is, right? Wink wink.


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