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March Reflection

I'm not going to lie, I hate that it's April. Am I happy that we're out of the most bitter chunk of winter and that spring weather is finally starting to appear? Of course. It would be silly if I wasn't glad that the worst of the snow is behind us, though I do recall a random early April snow that required me to wear a really thick turtleneck and clean off my car. It was April 9th, actually. I only know that because I took a really cute series of selfies on that day.

I digress, I hate that it's April 1st today. I started writing this post before work and then on my drive to work, the song "I Lived" by One Republic came up on shuffle and all bets were off. Right at the beginning of my freshmen year of college, the Youtuber Lauren Elizabeth made a montage video when she moved from Chicago to Los Angeles to this song. I remember watching it in my dorm and legitimately sobbing. To this day, that song has done weird things to my emotions and always makes me cry. Today was no different.

In a month and a half, my lease in Cleveland ends. I hate that these past three months have flown by. I spent a majority of this month away from my roommates, whether it was them being on spring break and me still in Cleveland. By the time they got back, I was off house/dog-sitting and didn't go back to the apartment for a week and a half. There wasn't much we could do to control that, but now I'm feeling like March was just a whole lot of lost time. 

The month itself wasn't horrendous. I got to go home, even if my trip was cut short by that blizzard. Work was fine. I got some really cute pieces that I added to my wardrobe. And yet, here I am, getting emotional over the start of a new month. Usually, I'm excited for new months, but now I'm desperate to get that last year and a half back and just continue to relive it over and over again until I get sick of it, if that ever happens.

Ugh, thanks One Republic, for making my March reflection post sappy. Why couldn't I have just treated it like yet another month's review in which I just talk a whole lot of nonsense that means absolutely nothing? Why do I have to have these feelings? I'm just always chock full of emotions and I have a feeling the next month and a half is really going to bring out the worst of them.

What am I looking forward to in April? I get to go home for Easter, so that's always fun. Hopefully the weather gets nicer. I would love to explore Cleveland some more before it's too late. I don't really have much planned for the month, except spend as much time as humanly possible with my friends in Cleveland before it's too late.


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