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The Great Lipstick Adventure, Part Two

It's no secret that I own too many lipsticks for one person. I know there are people with more, that's a given, but what does a normal 21-year-old need more than 80 lipsticks for? What purpose do they all serve in my life? How much money have I spent on said lipstick? How do I justify all of the paychecks I blew on lip products?

Two years ago, I challenged myself to what I called The Great Lipstick Adventure. Essentially, I had sheets of paper with lipstick swatches on them of all of my spring and summer lipsticks. Every time I wore one of the lipsticks, I had to mark a tally next to it on the sheet. The goal was to end up wearing all of my lipsticks at least once to justify their existence in my collection.

Since then, I've certainly accumulated more colors and I think I've been slacking on my lipstick wearing. So, it's finally time to hold myself accountable for all of the lipstick children that I have sitting in a drawer on my desk (and in a little bag under my desk because there's no room for all of them to be in the drawer). 

The goal is that from now until I don't know, the end of summer or something, that I will try to wear every lipstick in my collection. At least, a majority. My black and navy blue lipsticks might be a bit too late in the season, but I can always play that by ear. Regardless, I just want to make sure that all of my lip products get the same opportunities to see the light of day. I need to make a conscious effort to try to wear more of my makeup on daily basis instead of just using the same products for an everyday look.  I didn't spend god knows how much money for a stocked makeup collection to not use what I have!

I'll probably update periodically on my progress with TGLA 2.0 to see if I'm actually following through with this!


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