This is the cake from my graduation party, but I think it also works nicely as an overall congrats for getting through 2016. |
If you're new around here, you might not know about my yearly to do lists. For the past four years or so, instead of creating blanket New Year's resolutions, I make a to do list about forty points long to accomplish throughout the year. As you can see below, some are as simple as learning how to cook something (which I clearly didn't do, oops) or to more long term goals like drinking more water. I set out each year to try to accomplish as many of these goals as possible, usually with the underlying goal of sticking to them. 2016 was the year of making lifestyle and personal changes, regarding how I treat others and how I treat myself. I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made this year and I'm excited to see what my 2017 list looks like!
1. Compliment somebody everyday
2. Get new makeup organizers I just can't find ones big enough to store my collection. Perhaps when I downsize...if I ever do that
3. Go to New York City for spring break
4. Graduate in December
5. Get another 4.0 I got a 3.94 and I'm trying really hard not to be bitter about that single A-
6. Read one new book each month
7. Wear everything in your closet at least once. Donate anything that you don't wear. -
I've cleaned out my closet about six or seven times this year!
8. Go to one new spot in Cleveland every month - Failed. I'm not nearly adventurous enough.
9. Keep the frivolous purchases to a minimum. Start saving your money! -
To an extent...
10. Apply for an internship
11. Learn how to actually cook a meal!!!
12. No more drinking coffee at night -
This one is the one I wanted to do the most and I can happily say that I haven't had coffee at night since...I don't even know when. November?
13. Stay hydrated!
14. Start sleeping more -
Again, to an extent
15. Get your body moving! Start exercising again!
16. Buy yourself your first legal drink
17. Be even more organized.
18. Attempt NaNoWriMo (preferably complete it)
19. Invest in a pair of staple black heels
20. See a Cleveland Cavaliers game - I went to two games
and the championship parade!
21. Go on a road trip -
hello, Cape Cod and Boston!
22. Focus on skincare! It's time to demolish that acne once and for all.
24. Think more about that fashion program, if you want. No pressure. -
I made the executive decision that I was definitely done with school for now. Well, after this fall semester.
27. Focus more on friendships.
28. Give out lots of hugs to those deserving of them.
29. Pet lots of puppies.
30. Survive the first year of One Direction's hiatus
31. Make a bomb a$$ Halloween costume (yes, even better than the last minute Pumpkin Spice Latte)
32. Finish the gallery wall you set out to create and only have two prints for
33. Remember that time you said you wouldn't drink coffee at night? SERIOUSLY DON'T DO IT.
34. Get better at remembering to respond to text messages. Stop disappearing!!! You are not a magician!!
35. Remember, just because you're finished with Spanish academically, doesn't mean you should stop caring about it. Continue to practice!!!
36. Improve this blog.
37. Go to the beach at least once so you can solidly your hatred for it
38. Start going to the pier again! It's your favorite spot in Cleveland and one day very soon you will not be able to visit anymore!
39. Be kinder
40. Be positive.
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