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Good Reads

1. Fashion Week's Over In New York. Now What? Some interesting food for thought...

2. Marc Jacobs Concludes Fashion Week I quite like the ending sentiment on how we're all Marc Jacobs' goth.

3. Style Resolutions for Your Winter Wardrobe This street style roundup was sick!

4. 10 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep I have no trouble sleeping when I actually fall asleep, but my issue lies in the the fact that I can't get myself to fall asleep before midnight and generally can't get more than six hours of sleep. Something about that has to change!

5. Kate Spade Presentation Every season Kate Spade hits the nail on the head when it comes to presentations. Brava!

6. A Day in the Life of a Street Style Photographer During NYFW An interesting little peek into what goes behind our favorite candid moments of fashion week.

7. Fashion is my Faith A nice little sentiment to kick off your Sunday!

8. 12 Blogging Essentials to Help You Get Ahead I hoard blogging tips in the hope that someday I will be able to put them all to good use.

What have you been reading lately? 


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