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October Reflection

Once again, another month as passed by far too quickly. I cannot even comprehend this month, to be completely honest. I am sitting next to my roommate right now and I just turned to her to ask, “what even happened in October?” We both unanimously agreed that October was a blur. The only things I know happened in October were a weekend home, my roommate’s birthday, and my first full month of work at my new job.

I saw a post on Tumblr recently about how stressful this year has been and I cannot agree more. It’s only week ten of this semester and I think that this is the most stressed and busy I have ever been. I have my usual 15 credit course load, but this semester I have (technically) three jobs and people to hang out with living in the room next door. It’s been really difficult to balance everything, let alone this blog and pleasure reading and leisure writing. Between projects and readings and discussions and writing articles, there’s no time to do anything. There’s barely time to sleep. It’s been crazy and I’m looking forward to having that winter break. I even rearranged my schedule for next semester and tried to lessen the course load (I still have to take 15 credits, but I chose easier classes).

Time passing quickly is both a blessing and a curse. In an academic setting, it makes me so happy because it’s one step closer to graduation. But when it comes to writing and reading, it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing in such a big period of time. I have faith in November though!

Things to look forward to in November: last full month of fall semester, my birthday, Thanksgiving, my aunt's wedding, and did I mention it being the last full month of this awful semester?


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