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Apartment Mood Board

If I had a dollar for every time I mentioned how excited I am to move into my first apartment, I'd probably have enough for a month or two of rent. I can't contain my excitement! I speak in exclamations and I like to spread my joy like little seeds. I want to grow a garden of happiness!

There's still about two and a half months before I move in, but my Pinterest board for the apartment has been growing since before I knew I was getting this loft in particular. I've tweaked my aesthetics to match the mood and color scheme of the actual loft in order to create a mood board of sorts to organize all of the different aspects that I'd like to include, if possible.

I'm not entirely sure the direction I want to go with it and it will probably entirely depend on the furniture I decide, but moods boards and Pinspiration are always a good time so I figured I'd make one just for funsies! It's mostly just for the bedroom portion considering our living area is a group effort and we've had a pretty clear vision for it right off the bat. 

(images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)


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