1. Last year's jumbo Lilly Pulitzer agenda
I purchased a new and smaller agenda for this school year, leaving the last few months of my jumbo Lilly agenda from last year blank and unloved. When I went to the Lilly Pulizter store two weekends ago, I almost picked up a pocket sized agenda to use for my blog and decided to pass on it because I thought that the way I was organizing my posts in my agenda (on post it notes) was sufficient. Boy was I wrong.
I switched to using the blank pages in my jumbo agenda to organize my post ideas for each day and detail them. I've noticed such a difference in my productivity and the quality of my posts since utilizing the space to make bullet points and lists for each post.
2. White Chocolate Mocha coffee creamer
I am a coffee creamer addict, so it's no surprise that I picked up yet another flavor to add to my collection (seriously, I have five different coffee creamers in my fridge right now. FIVE). This one is delicious. It's a little sweet, but the mocha definitely amps up the coffee flavor.
3. NYX Terra Cotta blush
This blush is autumn in one color. It's a beautiful coppery orange color. It sounds (and looks) intimidating, but it gives you the most gorgeous autumnal glow. I love pairing it with my Mac Soft and Gentle mineralized skin finish to make my cheeks glow even more. It's very pigmented, so a little bit goes a long way with this one.
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For one weekend only, the newest One Direction concert movie was showing in select theaters and I HAD TO GO. It was recapping what was probably the best night of my life (okay, so it was the San Siro show and wasn't the exact night, but let's just go with it) and I needed to go. I was planning on seeing it by myself in Cleveland, as I hadn't intended on going home that weekend. However, after some coaxing from my parents, I decided to come home, which meant that I had no excuse not to recruit somebody to see the movie with me.
My mom had seen the first One Direction documentary movie with me, but after asking her to see the concert movie with me, she very rudely declined and suggested that I take my 10-year-old cousin. Rude. However, she was right, because my cousin Katie (she wanted a shout out in this post) and I had seen the concert together and both love Harry Styles and Niall Horan more than two girls should. We ended up having a great time and I'm GLAD I DIDN'T TAKE YOU MOM (I know she's reading this, so I'm going to say that I'm only kidding and I'll see you tomorrow). It's always a good time with my little cousin and I can't wait for the full concert to come out on DVD, as the theater version left out some of the best songs ("Little White Lies", "Better Than Words", "Kiss You", "Strong", and don't even get me started with not including "Moments"...). The interview beforehand was quite cute as well. I'm always mesmerized by their accents, even when I don't know what the heck Zayn is saying half of the time.
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Brace yourselves for a roller coaster ride of emotions because I'm about to go OFF about this song. As you should know, this song is clearly about Taylor Swift's relationship with Harry Styles, which already makes me feel emotionally connected to it. Jack Antonoff (from fun. and Bleachers) helped with this song, which if you've listened to Bleachers would be obvious because the 80's feel is definitely reminiscent of their music. Okay, I don't even feel like talking about this anymore because I want to get on with the way it makes me feel...WHICH IS EVERY EMOTION ON THE SPECTRUM.
The first hour of listening to this song made my chest tighten up and made me feel like I was going to vomit. I cried for a really long time and I really shouldn't be admitting this all in a blog post for everybody to read, but I think that it's important and I'm a human so let's not worry about embarrassing myself. The repetition of the chorus makes me feel so anxious, like I'm literally standing in a forest spinning in circles trying to find my way out. I know that's not the point of the song, but it's how it made me feel.
Onto the lyrics...they broke my heart, okay? Because if you weren't paying attention to their relationship when it was going on for those short few months, fans were incredibly rude to her, trending awful things that I don't even want to mention. People were stomping out their sparks before anything could really happen for them. This song makes it blatantly obvious that they both liked each other and it could have been something. Harry was only 18 when they dated and was relatively new to fame (as compared to her) and didn't know how to defend their relationship, so Taylor, as she said, set him free when the heat was too much to handle. I can't stand the fact that things could have worked out for them had there not been such an unnecessary backlash from fans.
"Are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet?" can be taken literally and metaphorically. At first, she's waiting until the relationship can go public, wondering if they can date in peace without getting flack from the media and fans. Then, as she revealed in her interview with Rolling Stone, she got into a snowmobile accident with Harry (okay, no names were mentioned but it's blatantly obvious so roll with it) and they had to go to the hospital. That's where the literal take on the chorus links to and my mind was blown when that finally clicked in my head.
That's my incredibly long analysis of this song and I could go on about it for much longer, but I won't. At least not here, not now. This song makes me very upset, but I can't stop listening to it. It's a dangerous cycle.
6. OPI's Pamplona Purple
I always forget that I love this nail polish until I put it on again. I rediscovered it this past weekend and fell in love for what is probably the fourth or fifth time. It applies like a dream (one to two coats and you're solid) and doesn't wear easily at the tips. Look at that gorgeous purple!
7. Parenthood's farewell season
This is the fourth week of the farewell season, so I'm not sure how I've gone this long without mentioning it. I'm so sad that this is the last season of this show, as it's probably one of my favorite shows currently on television. It shows such a great and accurate depiction of a big family and how they interact with each other. I'm nervous and excited to see how they decide to end it. I just hope that Julia and Joel can work it out!
What have you been loving lately?
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